EasyCloud Technical Details

If you have a question which is not listed on this page feel free to contact our support team at [email protected]
How do we compare our hosting plans to other providers' shared and VPS plans

Our hosting plans comparison is based on calculations concerning RAM and amount of client queries per second a plan is able to handle.

Advanced Cloud

Advanced Cloud hosting package is equal to basic Linux VPS hosting plans from other hosting providers. Usually VPS providers sell minimal VPS servers with 256 Mb RAM for $17-$50 per month. After installation of the required services (email, MySQL, FTP servers, monitoring tools and system daemons, like SSH and syslog) there is some amount of free RAM for a web server and usually it can be used for running 3-4 Apache processes only.

Here are some calculations: database (MySQL) server requires about 50 Mb of RAM, about 20 Mb required for other services (like email server, monitoring tools, system daemons and maybe a frontend webserver like nginx or lighttpd for serving static files) and about 50 Mb of free RAM are required for normal system operation without swapping. We have 256-(50+20+50)=136 Mb for a web server processes for running dynamic PHP applications. Usually one Apache/PHP process consumes up to 35 Mb while running modern PHP-based content management systems, e.g., Wordpress or Joomla. 4 processes consume 140 Mb and all RAM of our 256 Mb server is fully used.

Thus, our Advanced Cloud plan with 4 Apache processes is equal to 256 Mb VPS by memory (RAM). But it is even faster because we use high performance dedicated database servers.

Our infrastructure details
Coming soon.

If our operators are busy you may click the chat button and leave a message or send us SMS to 1-415-685-3952
What you can host with EC:
Static or PHP based website. Any "heavy" CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento etc.
Any PHP based startup: start with $4/month "to check an idea" and easily scale up when your project becomes popular.
What People are Saying
"I have used the web design services from EasyCloud and now I host my website here. The support is professional and friendly. They explained me everything I needed, they have designed and coded my website just like I wanted..." (more)
"Our wiki website is hosted with EasyCloud. We advertise it a lot and have thousands of visitors every day but it never influenced the smooth work of the website. This is the hosting we would recommend to everyone..." (more)
"...Previously, I have changed many hosting companies, every one had a low CPU limit and it was not enough for using my Wordpress blog the way I needed. They asked me to upgrade and pay more and more for hosting. The price at EasyCloud is equal to shared hosting price but there are no CPU limits here..." (more)
Elisabeth D., Ukraine